*What is said in this post is not meant to offend anyone, to say that anyone is "wrong" or to put anyone down. This is just what I view and I believe in. Sure we are all going to have different opinions and mine will certainly differ from yours, I just want to give my insight to what I believe to be true and what I believe in. I cannot speak from firsthand experience whether it be what it is like to love another man or what God truly believes or wants us to fight for, merely my interpretation from what I have experienced.*
Well I've been meaning to write in here soon, but I definitely didn't have this in mind, but something I read on Facebook compelled me to do otherwise. I recently read someone's status about Obama and his poor decision to support gay marriage and this kind of ignorance flat out frustrates me. This is what is ruining our society; it's ignorant people. People think they're so much better than someone else because they do or don't do something. WHO CARES? Who cares if one man loves another man or a woman loves another woman? NO ONE. It doesn't affect how you live your life or how the world turns. This is something coming from a kid, that's right I was a kid, who used to be all opposed when it came to gay marriage, but then you know what? I grew up. I became a man, and realized what I was talking, or rather not talking about. I realized how foolish it was to base someone on such an insignificant factor and try to prove my betterness than someone else. If that is what makes one of my friends, relatives, acquaintances, or even one of my idols happy, then by God I will let them do it.
The biggest issue with this ignorance towards gay marriage is what makes you better than someone who is gay? You're both human beings and you both live life the same way. Who are you to tell someone they can't love someone? We all know that feeling we get when we fall in love with someone and we will do anything for that person. What difference does that make if it's feelings for a man or a woman? It's still the same love either way, who are we to tell someone they can't feel that way towards someone of the same sex? We all think we are right, we are so high and mighty, what we feel has to be the right thing; well look at it from the other person's point of view. That is what they believe and what their heart is telling them, are you going to tell me that what you feel and what they feel have to be wrong, that one person's heart is telling them lies? No. That is just childish to think such a thing. What makes someone happy is definitely not what makes someone else happy, but the only factor that matters is the individual and their feelings.
Something I saw that I quite agree with is that gay marriage is the segregation of our time. We were wrong with segregation and many of us are wrong here. Who are we to tell someone they're loving the wrong person, the same person we weren't for telling an African American man he cannot drink at the same drinking fountain as a white person. Man was not made to rule over another man, what kind of dictator do you think you are to do so?
Another thing that frustrates me is everyone piggybacking on the bible to defend their "righteous cause". Well my sister makes a good point when she points out that slavery is okay in the bible and if a man rapes a virgin then she must marry him, do we go by these laws today? No, absolutely not, so why do you see the need and the ability to pick and choose what you go by in the bible. By no means am I bashing the bible or taking hits at God, quite the contrary. If my God is one that picks and chooses what people he loves, than he is not the God for me. However, I know this to not be the case. The God I believe in loves everyone equally and would never condone such behavior. God would not make homosexuals just so he can "punish them" and deny them from following what they believe in and love. I don't know which God is telling you that gay marriage should not be allowed, but he is certainly not mine.
So many people use religion to defend their case, but they do not recognize what religion is. So many different religions exist because we all interpret the Word of God differently. I am a Roman Catholic however I definitely do not agree with what they believe in. For instance a man cannot act on his affections for another man or a woman onto a woman. Also "we" believe that a priest cannot marry or have children. I could go on for days with why I view religion to be wrong, but it all comes down to the point that every single human being interprets The Word differently. What is so wrong with just believing in God and ending it at that. The main need for religion to me is to have other followers of God to congregate with, but why do we have to put a label and set rules and interpretations on everything? My greatest religious experience has been through TEC because you only need one thing to belong in TEC, a faith that God is our one and true almighty savior. That is it. What is wrong with that? Why do we have to be told what to believe in and not to believe in when it comes to God?
Who are we to tell someone they're wrong? Who are we to tell someone they cannot love another when they so greatly feel it in their heart? We are not Gods, we are but measly humans. If gay marriage is allowed in the United States what will happen? Will locust fill our fields, will hurricans ravage our lands, will earthquakes tear appart the ground below us? No; men will be allowed to marry the man they love and women will be allowed to marry the woman they love, it's a simple as that. The world will keep turning and your life will continue to move on like it has for the past however many years. Get off your high horse, quit being ignorant, grow up, open your mind, get over yourself, and accept everyone for who they are: human.